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Whether you are currently in the market for a new lab job or thinking of making a move in the near or distant future we can be a valuable resource to you.


Changing Laboratory jobs and advancing in one’s Anatomical or Clinical career often goes hand-in-hand with the consideration of relocation. 


Being open geographically to location might be the driving strategy behind your search.


Particularly when you’re in a specialized field such as Histology, Cytology, Pathologists’ Assistants or Blood Bank just to name a few, where job opportunities may be few in your area.


Growth job opportunities are often limited when you’re only targeting opportunities within your local market place.


However, candidates who are willing to relocate often face the added challenge and stress of not understanding a new market place, compensation ranges and competing with others on a local level. 


Most of us have experienced plenty of frustration during a job search especially when submitting resumes to job postings.  This process is frequently slow and characterized with a lack of control.  There is never enough feedback as to the status of your submittal, not to mention the limited amount of information forthcoming from the hiring companies.


It is easy to feel during this process that no one values or understands your specific skill sets and experiences or gives you the respect you deserve. 


In addition, there is the fear and anxiety over the unknown if you do make a career change. Not knowing where you’ll end up, not having valuable insight to your new employer or what happens if the new job does not work out, how will you pay your bills?


Most have experienced these fears and insecurities at some point in our careers when at a cross roads. 


What if there were options and resources available to you with regards to the lab industry and your career search.  A resource that could offer you guidance and insight into the career trends, job availability and compensation packages in your industry.


HealthCare Connections, Inc. has been that valuable resource for 2000 plus AP & CP candidates and we can help you.  


All our recruiters specialize exclusively in recruiting and staffing for Clinical & Anatomical Pathology labs nationwide. 


Many of our positions include confidential Laboratory Employment Opportunities that are not publicly posted as HCI is often hired to assist with non advertised jobs.


We have the industry knowledge and the contacts to help you find the right position to move your career forward. 


























Currently HCI Has Over 250 Anatomical & Clinical Pathology Jobs Available Nationwide

For YOU To Explore!

We Specialize “Exclusively” In Providing Laboratory Staffing Services.

HealthCare Connections, Inc. is an equal employment opportunity employer.  All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, veteran, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other similarly protected status.

This Week New 

Anatomical & Clinical Pathology  Career Opportunities For You To Explore! 




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